JPS Reliability Ltd - Book of Gold

JPS Reliability Book of Gold, this new book has over 100 case studies with VA data and strip inspection reports and some thermal imaging data as well.

Our first publication was effectively 20 years of black book notes put into a VA reference book to assist people learn and written for the tradesman and technicians.

The feedback we had from that publication was that people loved the case studies and found them helpful, this was why we wrote this second book.

  • JPS Reliability Ltd – Book of Gold (Practical Condition Monitoring Case Studies)
  • A4 portrait
  • Black cloth hardback book
  • Separate Dust jacket
  • Full colour 338 pages
  • Inside pages 135gsm gloss
  • Weight 1.62Kg
  • ISBN 978-1-3999-2158-9                                         

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